Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LED Lighting


There is a new kind of light bulb out now, the LED light bulb. This Bulb fits in a standard light bulb socket and is filled with bright Light Emitting Diodes. Compared to the standard incandescent bulb, or even to the highly efficient CFC(Compact fluorescent bulb) the LED uses miniscule amounts of electricity.
They also tend to last forever – manufacturers claim lifetimes of 40,000 to 60,000 hours. (Normal light bulbs can have a lifetime of up to 1000 hours).
Benefits of LED Lights Bulbs vs. Incandescent Light Bulbs
2Watt LED Light Bulb Regular 60 Watt Light Bulb

Life Span of the bulb 50,000 hrs 1,000hrs

Number of bulbs used
over 50,000 hours
1 50

Total Cost: R76.32 R299.50
(50 bulbs @R5.99each)

Electricity Usage –
kWh of Electricity used
over 60,000 hours 120kWh 3000kwh

Cost of Electricity –
60,000 hours at
50c per kWh R 60.00 R 1 500.00

Money saved by using
one LED Light Bulb
R1663.18 /BULB!

The Real cost of lighting:

The greatest expense over the lifespan of a typical light fixture is your electricity, the cost of the
light fitting and even installation is negligible in the long run. By changing to energy efficient
lighting the extra costs of the new technology can be recouped in a short period.
LED bulbs and tubes last longer than cfc, rsquo;s and incandescent. With replacement,
maintenance and labor costs being higher than the original fitting, total saving with long life LED
lights can be very significant.


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