Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LED Lighting


There is a new kind of light bulb out now, the LED light bulb. This Bulb fits in a standard light bulb socket and is filled with bright Light Emitting Diodes. Compared to the standard incandescent bulb, or even to the highly efficient CFC(Compact fluorescent bulb) the LED uses miniscule amounts of electricity.
They also tend to last forever – manufacturers claim lifetimes of 40,000 to 60,000 hours. (Normal light bulbs can have a lifetime of up to 1000 hours).
Benefits of LED Lights Bulbs vs. Incandescent Light Bulbs
2Watt LED Light Bulb Regular 60 Watt Light Bulb

Life Span of the bulb 50,000 hrs 1,000hrs

Number of bulbs used
over 50,000 hours
1 50

Total Cost: R76.32 R299.50
(50 bulbs @R5.99each)

Electricity Usage –
kWh of Electricity used
over 60,000 hours 120kWh 3000kwh

Cost of Electricity –
60,000 hours at
50c per kWh R 60.00 R 1 500.00

Money saved by using
one LED Light Bulb
R1663.18 /BULB!

The Real cost of lighting:

The greatest expense over the lifespan of a typical light fixture is your electricity, the cost of the
light fitting and even installation is negligible in the long run. By changing to energy efficient
lighting the extra costs of the new technology can be recouped in a short period.
LED bulbs and tubes last longer than cfc, rsquo;s and incandescent. With replacement,
maintenance and labor costs being higher than the original fitting, total saving with long life LED
lights can be very significant.



Project: Green Life Store, Dragons Lair Goes Green

Location: Gordons Bay, Western Cape

This Project is the first documented green project, Georgia and I will be blogging and documenting as we consult and supply a newly built home owner in Gordons Bay with her new Green and Sustainable products for her Home.
We will keep our followers and fans up to date on the task of turning Mrs Dragon's(names have been changed to protect our client) home Green.

The first Task: IDENTIFYING Key Components of a Green Home

Green homes incorporate environmental considerations and resource efficiency into every step of the building and development process to minimize environmental impact. The design, construction, and operation of a home must focus on energy and water efficiency, resource efficient building design and materials, indoor environmental quality, and must take the home's overall impact on the environment into account.

Energy-Efficient Features

Many of the energy-efficient qualities of a green home are easy to spot. Appliances, windows, and water heating systems will likely have ENERGY STAR® ratings. The home should also include efficient lighting fixtures and bulbs. Renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic electricity and water heating systems, further decrease the overall energy consumption within the home.

Water-Efficient Features

Fixtures and appliances such as low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets, and ENERGY STAR dishwashers and washing machines all conserve water. Programmed, low-volume irrigation systems, rainwater collection systems, wastewater treatment systems, and hot water recirculation systems also save water.

Resource-Efficient Features

These decisions—from home size, to orientation on the lot, to floor plan layout—are made in the design of your home and development of the lot. The house orientation and design should take advantage of natural daylight to reduce lighting needs, and should use strategies to reduce heat gain in the summer and heat loss in the winter. The home should contain renewable materials, including rapidly-renewable wood species such as bamboo, and recycled-content materials in carpets, tiles, and concrete formulations.

Indoor Air Quality Features

The heating, air conditioning and ventilation system (HVAC) must be appropriately sized for an efficient and properly ventilated home. Fans in the kitchen and bathrooms should cycle fresh air inside, and release stale air. Low-VOC paints and finishes and wall papers should be used as well.

Outside the Home

In a green home, care should be taken to preserve trees and other vegetation native to the area. Landscaping should contain plants that are appropriate for the climate, and grouped according to water needs. Driveways and other impervious surfaces should be reduced as much as possible, and may be composed of gravel, permeable block pavers, grids, or other permeable systems.

Amazing designs built with living trees By Greenbang on Thursday, 13th August 2009

Here’s an idea for environmentally friendly, carbon-absorbing architecture and design: structures and sculptures built with living trees.

A concept known as tree shaping, the idea is based on bending and sometimes grafting together young trees to form useful shapes and structures such as stools, tables, benches and even houses. One of the earliest known practitioners of the craft was an American named John Krubsack, who harvested his grown chair in 1914. In some cultures, the idea goes even further, by centuries, back.

Today, a number of people and companies are promoting tree shaping as a green way to create functional, carbon-sequestering items and homes. Among the designs created with living trees:


Tree stool

Briton Christopher Cattle calls his designs “grown furniture” and says, “Growing furniture isn’t going to save the planet, but it can show that it’s possible to create genuinely useful things without adding to the pollution that industry inevitably seems to produce.”

Tree hut

“Arbosculptor” Richard Reames not only creates a variety of items using living trees, but has written two books on the subject, including Arborsculpture: Solutions for a Small Planet. Among the living structures he highlights on his Website, Arborsmith Studios, is a grown gazebo located in a park on Okinawa.

Tree chair

Australians Peter Cook and Becky Northey call their art “Pooktre” and have used it to create everything from chairs and tables to mirror frames and tree people ideal for children to climb on. They also commission designs and help other people craft their own pieces of tree sculptures.

tree-dwellingTree house

Terrefuge Designers Mitchell Joachim, Lara Greden, Javier Arbona came up with the idea for a 100-per cent living dwelling called the Fab Tree Hab. They envision their designs as a more ecological alternative to the types of houses built by organisations like Habitat for Humanity.

tree-bridgeTree root bridges

The War-Khasis of northeast India take advantage of the native Ficus elastica’spenchant for developing secondary roots higher up the trunk by training the roots to grow out straight over rivers and streams. Over a period of 10 to 15 years, the roots grow long enough to cross the river, take root in soil on the other side and grow thick and strong enough to support as many as 50 people. Some of the region’s root bridges, which actually grow stronger over time, are believed to be more than 500 years old.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Indonesia Saves 811 Mw Of Electricity During Earth Hour Campaign

JAKARTA, March 29 (Bernama) -- A official of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Indonesia said that 811 MW of electricity in Java-Bali power grid was saved during the Earth Hour campaign Saturday night, local media reported here on Monday.

"The latest news we received from the PLN, state-run power firm, some 811 MW of electricity was saved in the one-hour Earth Hour campaign in Java and Bali. In Jakarta alone, the saved electricity reached 150 MW," Fitrian Ariansyah, the WWF Indonesia officer in charge of climate change and energy issue was quoted by the Antara news agency.

That figures were highly-increased from 150 MW in Java-Bali areas and 80 MW in Jakarta alone last year, he added.

WWF Indonesia was a co-organiser of the Earth Hour campaign in the country.

"It shows that more people were participating in Earth Hour energy-saving campaign this year. Some people living in suburb areas of Bintaro and BSD were enthusiastic to take part in the campaign," Fitrian said, referring to two suburb areas in southern Jakarta.

The Jakarta administrator shut down the lamps in the capital city's five landmark places for one hour from 8.30pm to 9.30pm as part of global energy-saving campaign manifested in Earth Hour on Saturday night.


EARTH HOUR : Did you show your support?

 Did you switch off for Earth Hour? ================================================================================ All4women on 29 March, 2010 07:31:00   
Were you one of the thousands of South Africans who switched off for  Earth Hour? 
Our country stepped up to show its  awareness of climate change by saving around 400 megawatts of power,  according to Eskom. 
Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg signed up for the event, with the  Moses Madiba stadium switching off its lights, and the V&A Waterfront holding a candlelit concert with the philharmonic orchestra. 
 Nelson Mandela Square also hosted the Soweto  Gospel Choir. Worldwide, more than 4000 cities switched off for Earth Hour, with  venues such as the Sydney Opera House and the Empire State Building going dark between 8:30 and 9:30.  
 With such widespread report, it seems clear that the citizens of our  planet are sitting up and taking notice of  the dramatic need for action against global warming. According to the  World Wildlife Fund, the results of Earth Hour will hopefully convince the leaders of countries across the world to  prioritise climate change on their agendas. Source:  SA Good News

Friday, March 26, 2010

March 22, 2010 Earth Hour fever descends... SHOW YOUR SUPPORT

Earth Hour Blog - The official Earth Hour blog

With Earth Hour but a few days away, it's time to catch up with the plethora of videos that have sprung up of late to support and promote Earth Hour around the globe.

These videos run the gamut from the good to the bad to the very very weird, but all evince the passion and enthusiasm that people from all corners of the world feel for the Earth Hour cause.

The first video is from Thailand and features adorable panda star Lin Ping switching off the lights for Earth Hour.

Whether you are an individual, a business, a school or a city, you can show your support for Earth Hour by turning off your lights at 8.30PM on March 27 wherever you are on the planet. If you would like to find out more about running Earth Hour in your own country, city or town then please contact us.

Earth Hour - Kids

You can support Earth Hour by:

  1. Turning off your lights at 8.30PM on March 27
  2. Showing your support and adding yourself to our world map
  3. Adding Earth Hour widgets, logos and banners to your blog or website to help us spread the word. You could even be our Earth Hour Online Supporter of the Day.
  4. Talking about Earth Hour in your social network by updating your Facebook status, grabbing aTwibbon, tweeting about your support, and more
  5. Get together with your friends and family, by hosting an Earth Hour party or holding your own candlelit affair
  6. Rally your local council or community group to run an Earth Hour event for your community
  7. Encourage your employer and workmates to take part in Earth Hour and make energy savings every day
  8. Make an Earth Hour Lantern as a symbol of hope for the future
  9. Be creative! Find a new way to mark Earth Hour and let us know all about it!
Earth Hour - Vietnam Crowd

Monday, March 22, 2010

Green Life Store

Green Life Store is committed to supporting you in finding and implementing a better,
more sustainable life on our Mother Earth. Where, through the advanced technologies
of today, we can return to the simple ways of living in harmony with each other and Earth.

In a country where our radiation from the sun is measured 2nd highest in the world
it would do us good to remember that "the sun, with all it's planets revolving around
it can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the world to do".
(Galileo) As the cost of living increases Green Life Store offers you ways in which to
decrease your cost of living and increase your quality of living. It only takes one
person to change the world - it's as simple as changing your mind. Take your first
deep breath to clean air and decide today that the world you want to live in is devoid
of pollution, rivers run clean, everyone recycles, and energy is free. And together,
one small step at a time, we can recreate that world.

Every product that we sell has been carefully researched and tested to make certain
that we offer the safest and greenest products available.
If we wouldn't use it for ourselves, you won't find it in our store.
We also believe that you shouldn't have to spend a fortune to go green.
That is why we carry premium products.
The aim of our site is to provide a wide range of environmentally friendly products
for all of your household needs. Through extensive research we have come up with a
range of green products that help to reduce our impact on the planet and on our
own health and save you money We are constantly looking for new green products to add
to our range and if there is anything eco-friendly that you are looking for which we
don’t have please let us know at info@greenlifestore.co.za and we will do our best to
find it for you.
A lot of people are now waking up to the idea of Renewable Energy and Recycling.
If you are concerned about the carbon footprint then take a look at our extensive
range of innovative Energy Saving Products: from Domestic Wind Turbines & Solar Panels, Geyserwise timer switches
to Energy Saving lights, LED Light bulbs to Solar Geysers - Solar Heart Range.
We also specialize in 100% Bio-degradable Packaging, Organic Wines, Organic Baby Products, the Eco Kettle, the biowashball.
Our special range or energy and water saving shower head range can be found on uor website, www.greenlifestore.co.za

Email us and we will help you find the solutions!

Natasha & Georgia
Green Life Store
(Oh, & by the way - it's not as expensive as you think - in fact you are already
spending the money we just need to change where you spend it!)

Friday, March 19, 2010


Eco water and Power saving showerheads incorporate a unique combination of patented technology and materials resulting in exceptional performance and stylish, cost-saving designs.

After two decades of research and development, Oxygenics® was voted among the top 100 building products in the USA in 2007. Oxygenics® exceeds all relevant North American test and materials specifications.

The financial and environmental benefits of fitting an Oxygenics®showerhead are dramatic.
The payback period can be less than one month.

  • Invigorating performance - Oxygenics® showerheads use unique, patented technology based on the Venturi effect giving a result that cannot be matched by other showerheads. A superb and invigorating shower experience, whilst using less water and power
  • Maintenance free - the single orifice design of Oxygenics®showerheads, coupled with internal components made of non-stick Delrin® (Teflon-like material, patented by du Pont) mean that mineral deposits and hard water will never again be a problem
  • Healthgiving - Oxygenics® showerheads are designed to help rejuvenate the skin, by boosting oxygen levels and preventing breakdown of collagen and elastin
  • Stylish - The variety of beautiful Oxygenics® finishes and superb craftsmanship are a testament to the technology that lies within
  • Cost Saving - Oxygenics® showerheads are better than free. Not only will you have the best possible shower experience, but you can easily save R 2000-3000 or more per year on your water and power bills
  • Reassuring – Your showerhead is covered by a lifetime warranty against clogging or manufacturers defects. Click here for details of warranty
  • Residential and Commercial – there is an Oxygenics®showerhead for every application. A great range of styles and finishes to complement any bathroom
  • Wide Range of Water Pressures – The entire Oxygenics® range operates under a wide pressure range.
Product and FeaturesPriceImage
ValueSmart Showerhead
  • Code:750-XLF-25
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Smart chrome and black finish
  • Black ABS base
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa
Smart Showerhead
  • Code:200-XLF-25
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Delrin core – no clogging
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • Chromed ABS base
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa
SkinCare Showerhead (without comfort control)
  • Code: 630-XLF-25
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Delrin core – no clogging
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • Chromed brass base
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa
R345water saving showerhead oxygenics
SkinCare Showerhead (with comfort control)
  • Code: 60120
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Delrin core – no clogging
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa
R345water saving showerhead oxygenics
Elite Skin Care Showerhead (with comfort control)
  • Code: 700-XLF-25
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Delrin core – no clogging
  • Comfort control lever
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • Variety of other elegant finishes available – POA
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa
R495water saving showerhead oxygenics
Five Star Resort Showerhead with Comfort Control
  • Code: 40025
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Delrin core – no clogging
  • Comfort control lever
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • Variety of other elegant finishes available – POA
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa
R595water saving showerhead oxygenics
IntelliShower Dual-Function Wall Mount Showerhead
  • Code: 50520
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Delrin cores – no clogging
  • Adjustable spray, core jet, or broad and gentle rainspray
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • Variety of other elegant finishes available – POA
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa
R595 Intellishower 230

Multi-function Wall MountShowerhead
  • Code: 80220
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Delrin core – no clogging
  • Adjustable spray, core jet, multi-jet massage or focussed jets
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • Variety of other elegant finishes available – POA
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa
R645water saving showerhead oxygenics

Storm eco RainShower
  • Code: 80220
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Delrin core – no clogging
  • Adjustable spray, core jet, multi-jet massage or focussed jets
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • Variety of other elegant finishes available – POA
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa

BodySpa Skincare Kit, IncludingWand, 1.5m Hose, Holder and Flow Control Valve
  • Code: 130-XLF25
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Delrin core – no clogging
  • Complete with fitting for installation on a standard shower arm. Enjoy the benefit of both a fixed and handheld shower in one (see below)
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • Variety of other elegant finishes available – POA
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa
R645water saving showerhead oxygenics

Evolution Multi-function Handheld Showerhead including Wand, 1.5m Hose, and Holder
  • Code: 90827
  • Excellent performance at standard pressures
  • Delrin core – no clogging
  • Complete with fitting for installation on a standard shower arm. Enjoy the benefit of both a fixed and handheld shower in one (see below)
  • Adjustable 4 pattern spray, double core jet, flood massage, focused jet and needle jet
  • Rotating head for increased coverage
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • Variety of other elegant finishes available – POA
  • 9.5 LPM max at 550 kPa
  • 7.5 LPM at 250kPa

Oxygenics Handheld Shower Wall or Bath Mount - Included with all Handheld Showers
  • Enjoy the benefit of both a fixed and handheld shower in one
  • Use as a standard shower or instantly remove and use as a handheld to get to all those 'hard to reach' bits
  • Great fun for kids, but the deal is that they clean up the bathroom afterwards!
  • Fits onto a standard 15mm wall mount shower arm converting the handheld wand into an invigorating overhead shower
  • Elegant chromed ABS - stylish and tough
with all

'Value' Eco-Showerhead for low pressure and gravity-fed systems
  • Code: CES003
  • Excellent performance at low pressures from 0.7 to 1.5 bar
  • Dual function - needle-jet or massage pulsator spray
  • Elegant white finish
  • 9.5 LPM max at 150 kPa
'Value showerhead'

'Value' Eco-Showerhead for low pressure and gravity-fed systems
  • Code: CES003
  • Excellent performance at low pressures from 0.7 to 1.5 bar
  • Dual function - needle-jet or massage pulsator spray
  • Elegant chrome finish
  • 9.5 LPM max at 150 kPa
R125'Value showerhead chrome'

Universal Aerator
  • Code: 03219
  • Excellent water-saving performance at all pressures
  • Aerated clean-rinsing, no-splash stream
  • Chrome finish
  • Universal fit to both inside and outside threaded taps (M22 / M24)
  • 5.5 LPM max at 550 kPa

Kitchen / Bathroom Flip Aerator
  • Code: 03217
  • Excellent water-saving performance at all pressures
  • Aerated clean-rinsing, no-splash stream
  • Flip fingertip flow control
  • Chrome finish
  • Universal fit to both inside and outside threaded taps (M22 / M24)
  • 0.5 - 4 LPM max at 550 kPa

Kitchen / Bathroom Flip & Swivel Aerator
  • Code: 03218
  • Excellent water-saving performance at all pressures
  • Aerated clean-rinsing no-splash stream or strong cleansing jet-spray
  • 360 degree swivel rotation allowing access to all parts of the sink
  • Flip fingertip flow control
  • Chrome finish
  • Universal fit to both inside and outside threaded taps (M22 / M24)
  • 0.5 - 5.5 LPM max at 550 kPa

Contact Green Life Store: Natashia or Georgia

Aquatic 'Dead Zones' Contributing to Climate Change

ScienceDaily — The increased frequency and intensity of oxygen-deprived "dead zones" along the world's coasts can negatively impact environmental conditions in far more than just local waters. In the March 12 edition of the journal Science, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science oceanographer Dr. Lou Codispoti explains that the increased amount of nitrous oxide (N2O) produced in low-oxygen (hypoxic) waters can elevate concentrations in the atmosphere, further exacerbating the impacts of global warming and contributing to ozone "holes" that cause an increase in our exposure to harmful UV radiation.

"As the volume of hypoxic waters move towards the sea surface and expands along our coasts, their ability to produce the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide increases," explains Dr. Codispoti of the UMCES Horn Point Laboratory. "With low-oxygen waters currently producing about half of the ocean's net nitrous oxide, we could see an additional significant atmospheric increase if these 'dead zones' continue to expand."

Although present in minute concentrations in Earth's atmosphere, nitrous oxide is a highly potent greenhouse gas and is becoming a key factor in stratospheric ozone destruction. For the past 400,000 years, changes in atmospheric N2O appear to have roughly paralleled changes in carbon dioxide CO2 and have had modest impacts on climate, but this may change. Just as human activities may be causing an unprecedented rise in the terrestrial N2O sources, marine N2O production may also rise substantially as a result of nutrient pollution, warming waters and ocean acidification. Because the marine environment is a net producer of N2O, much of this production will be lost to the atmosphere, thus further intensifying its climatic impact.

Increased N2O production occurs as dissolved oxygen levels decline. Under well-oxygenated conditions, microbes produce N2O at low rates. But at oxygen concentrations decrease to hypoxic levels, these waters can increase their production of N2O.

N2O production rates are particularly high in shallow suboxic and hypoxic waters because respiration and biological turnover rates are higher near the sunlit waters where phytoplankton produce the fuel for respiration.

When suboxic waters (oxygen essentially absent) occur at depths of less than 300 feet, the combination of high respiration rates, and the peculiarities of a process called denitrification can cause N2O production rates to be 10,000 times higher than the average for the open ocean. The future of marine N2O production depends critically on what will happen to the roughly ten percent of the ocean volume that is hypoxic and suboxic.

"Nitrous oxide data from many coastal zones that contain low oxygen waters are sparse, including Chesapeake Bay," said Dr. Codispoti. "We should intensify our observations of the relationship between low oxygen concentrations and nitrous oxide in coastal waters."